Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I propose that on heartfelt issues, like abortion and gay marriage or border security, where there is polarizing opinion, that the only way to legislate these things fairly is
(1) by popular vote.

If you think ACORN, et al, is capable of stealing elections for public office why do you think they can't do it with referenda? For example, look at the "astroturf" going on in Wisconsin, where the unions and the DNC are trying to organize recall votes.


...even a legislative vote like this one in New York state is unacceptable, because it no doubt is a political decision maneuvered behind the scenes, and not credibly representative of what the people of that state really want. It was 29 Democrats, who managed to leverage an additional 4 Republican votes, not an overwhelming consensus.

Actually, the polls I've seen show that a majority of New Yorkers support gay marriage. You need to remember that this is a liberal state. Even republicans here are often moderate to liberal.