Thank you for my happy birthday wishes! I appreciate it.

Glacys and I celebrated early because my birthday week has been spent at CAMT (Texas state math teacher conference)at the Gaylord in Grapevine, Texas. Yes, I'm a nerd! But it was fun.

However, I digress....Glacys got me yummy cupcakes from the world famous, Sugar Queen Cupcakes voted the best Texas cupcake ever which was the bestest over!

He also spoiled me with the latest Kindle and a waterproof case so I could read it anywheres and not destroy it!

I ended up spending my birthday on Tuesday having to pay for parking (shame on the Gaylord peoples, grrrr!), going to a bunch of fun math classes, having dinner at Red Lobster with my parents, and even got a chance to swim!

Of course with the 100 degree weather that's been hard to do and not die of heat exhaustion!

At any rate, it was a happy birthday. It's just said that it's over! Now I have to gear up for Glacys birthday in August.

Any ideas for that boys?