I was just reading this "List of Aborted Storylines", where Byrne answers what made him leave various series, and was surprised by this one about why he left SHE-HULK after issues 1-8, and a Rog-2000 appearance that was aborted:

  • http://www.byrnerobotics.com/FAQ/listing.asp?ID=3&T1=Questions+about+Aborted+Storylines

    Q: re-reading the Comics Interview book that collected various interviews with you, and in it they have your cover to SENSATIONAL SHE-HULK #9 with "Roger the Robot". Since you left the book before that issue, can you share what your story idea was for that issue?

    BYRNE: I'd planned to introduce a very ROG-like golden robot as Jen's butler. She was going to meet him when she found herself prosecuting him for murder in a story I could not resist titling "Who Framed Roger Robot?"

In my defective memory roughly 2 decades later, I thought the story was actually used. But it was planned for issue 9, and Byrne was taken off the series with issue 8.

Byrne later came back to the series for issues 31-50, when Bobbie Chase was replaced with editor Renee Witterstatter.