Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy, 3-25-2007
Related to G-man's remarks 3 posts above this, CBS' program 60 Minutes tonight aired a 15-minute segment about how tolerance in London toward Islamic radicalism is creating a fertile environment in London for radical Islamic terrorism, which is widely called "Londonistan".

Here's a link to both text and video of tonight's CBS report:

That basically, there is no separation between Islam and Radical Islam. They are one and the same, says a reformed terrorist activist leader interviewed (former islamic activist/militant Hassan Butt). Any deceit or crime is permissible and forgiven by Islamists, so long as it serves expansion of Islam, and it causes destruction and chaos in the West.

I'm struck, years later, at how that line by an islamic radical, is identical to the infiltration mentality of William Ayers and Saul Alinsky (leftist radicals whose ideology I'd never heard of in 2007). The radical left and radical islam are identical in their tactics.

And as is manifest in the "arab spring" in Egypt' Libya and elsewhere (Ayers, Code Pink and other leftist radicals trained the Arabs in effective street demonstration tactics), are working in a united front to bring down the capitalist West.