Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Bank of America had just added a $5 monthly fee to their debit cards, and the Occupy Wall Street proponents like to take credit for their dropping that unpopular fee a few days ago. But in reality, that was a reflection of hundreds of thousands of account-holders taking their business elsewhere and the bad publicity of their own customers, not people in the streets outside.

 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
But, I'm sure they'll all claim some victory years from now when something one day happens to force change just like the hippies did for ending Vietnam when it was really the 'square' older middle class who decided not to support the war after the Tet Offensive.

 Originally Posted By: The Shills
"They're...uh...violent! No? They're...uh...criminals! Wait, war vets?? Oh, uh....it's all a Liberal Conspiracy! ....the Founder of the Tea Party and a lot of its own movement supports Occupy? Uhhhh.....hold on, let me throw a tear gas canister at a wounded war vet......now, let's see. OH! Got it! Child-Rape! That's it! Oh. Wait. That's all smoke and mirrors? Oh...shit...how.....okay! Okay! It's totally losing momentum and they've had NO effect on anything and all the actual effect you see is something our Corporate Saints are doing for us and Occupy is nothing but Soros-created terrorists forming an illegal immigrant child-raping drug ring of Marxist Satanism! TOTALLY! O'Reilley Said It = It Is Law = It Is The Word of God!"

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Sounds like The Right's taking a beating by The Movement's progress. But, I'm sure you're both objectively and unbiasedly correct... \:lol\: