Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

It never ceases to amaze me how quick some people are willing to chuck their rights just so that they can feel safe.

U.S. agencies have secret Internet-monitoring program: The NSA and FBI appear to be casting an even wider net than thought under a clandestine program code-named “PRISM,” which gives the U.S. government access to email, documents, audio, video, photographs and other data belonging to foreigners on foreign soil who are under investigation.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

This presents a dilemma for Obamaphiles.

You will hear the excuse that Bush did it. From people who hated Bush for doing it, but still love Obama.

I think that using software to discover suspicious patterns of call-placement — and going no further without a court order — is reasonable in times of war, and we are at war, and Americans continue to die.

The problem is that President Obama’s administration has a history of using data gathering to harass opponents, as demonstrated most recently by the IRS scandal.

Furthermore, just recently he explained that all wars should end, and accordingly he was ending the War on Terror by divine fiat ...so how can he justify wartime levels of domestic spying?

He’s either disingenous or incompetent. Or both.