Pat Buchanan makes the argument best in his last few books, in particular his 2006 book on the immigration crisis, STATE OF EMERGENCY.

We don't need "comprehensive immigration reform", we just need to enforce our existing laws, in a few easy steps:

1. Secure the southern border with several thousand national guard troops in a matter of weeks. And leave them on the border until a border fence is built. As was constructed over the most vulnerable 14-mile section of the San Diego border, that can be duplicated along the entire southern border, that has already proven to stop illegal crossings by 95%.

2. Begin heavy enforcement and fines on employers of illegals. Unable to find work, many illegals will leave the country on their own, with no need of INS or other law-enforcement to round them up.

3. Add an amendment to the Constitution that only children born to parents who are LEGALLY in this country at the time of birth will be entitled to citizenship at birth. This will eliminate tens of billions in benefits to "anchor babies" and their extended families, and roughly 300,000 babies born annually to illegals who come here for the specific purpose of gaining unwarranted rights of citizenship through this loophole in the law.

4. Increase INS agents to round up the remaining illegals who have not already left due to the above steps.

5. No amnesty, ever, for people who have shown a contempt for our laws and broken into our country. Amnesty would only result in encouraging millions more illegals to come. These are not people who love this country, they are just here to exploit the U.S., and take as much free stuff as they can grab.
Once illegals have left for lack of jobs or been forcibly deported, they still have the option to apply for a green card and enter legally, through the proper channels. But those who would want amnesty after breaking our laws are unworthy of citizenship, in their lack of respect for our rule of law.

Anonymous commercials by PAC-groups have been hard-selling Rubio's push for "immigration reform", that is amnesty by any other name.

But as Herman Cain said during one of the 2012 debates: "We don't need comprehensive immigration reform. We already have a comprehensive immigration policy. It's called LEGAL IMMIGRATION!"

Verily and Amen.
All we need to do is enforce out existing laws. Period.