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...the ghetto-ization of Obamacare promotion, by the liberal-progressive scum who, astonishingly, still support him.

I have a friend named Jan who immigrated here from Soviet-controlled Poland, who said it was the same there. "With ads everywhere saying HEY, EVERYTHING'S GREAT, but everyone knows it's shit."

Somehow it's funnier when he says it with a Polish accent. Partly because I credit people of his country with not using the same lowbrow colloquialisms like "shit" that we do, until I hear him use them. And partly because it's funnier when he describes it in a country he left to come here, than having the same authoritarian system rise here,and its propaganda forced down the throats of the American people.
He left Poland to escape authoritarian communist socialism.

If freedom disappears in the U.S., where do people escape to?