Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

You always make allegations but so far pppfffft. Like I said you'll be ok with it if there's ever another republican in the WH.

You know that isn't true, M E M.
I complained about plenty of what W.Bush did as president. In particular the Patriot Act (which Obama promised to repeal, and instead renewed, by the way) that I said was unnecessary, and all that was needed was to enforce existing laws, not circumnavigate constitutional freedoms with the Patriot Act.

But never have you missed an opportunity to say "Well Republicans do it too.." even when that's clearly not the case.

Obama has a big-government authoritarian mindset like no other president in recent times, except for maybe Woodrow Wilson or FDR. And even your buddies in the liberal media who were unofficially part of the cheerleading section of Obama's 2012 campaign are increasingly pulling away from Comrade Obama.

There's a long laundry list of Obama's undermining of constitutional freedoms.