The 50th managed to give me everything I wanted to see, most of which was Tom Baker. aside from that, all the Doctors came together (even though it was a cheat, but really how else could you do it these days?), McGann came back and did his regeneration, we saw the mystery of the often speculated about hidden regeneration in the War Doctor and his regeneration, plus a brief glimpse of Capaldi. very well done.

had less expectations for the Christmas episode, but yeah, it was a bit underwhelming by comparison. I consider it part of a "trilogy" of sorts, with Name, Day, and Time all being different chapters in this particular story. but it wasn't quite as epic as I was hoping for.

I'm left with two questions: is Tasha Lem a version of River Song? there are lots of hints that she could be, but it could just be a red herring. and, why does the Doctor age more in certain circumstances (the Time War, Trenzalore) than in others? it must be tied in with his regeneration energy in some way.

there are now three Doctors who've undergone regeneration from natural causes, old age: Hartnell, Hurt, and Smith. both Hurt and Smith's stories had homages to Hartnell.

speaking of, nobody watched An Adventure in Time and Space?