Apocalypse is in the air!

It really has been for as long as I've been old enough to understand politics and realities of the world. Which for me is around 1975.

Some of the options back then included:
  • Nuclear war
  • and/or the Anti-Christ/tribulation, and the various plagues of REVELATION
  • "peak oil" or a collapsed economy, that leads to collapse of industrial economies and mass starvation.
  • a global plague that kills most or all people.
  • Starting around 1999, a fear that the Millennium would cause all computers to shut down, destroying our civilization.

Apocalyptic speculation kicked up a notch as the year 2000 approached. It seemed to calm down for a while, then kicked into high gear again with the 2006-2009 crisis.

Some of the more recent scenarios:
  • Collapse of the dollar, leading to hyperinflation, poverty, riots in the streets, the government firing on civilians, and starvation.
  • Regarding the Bilderberg Group and other global elites, a conspiracy to "cull" the population from over 7 billion down to less than 1 billion, through a global plague (caused by deliberate spread in vaccinations, and toxic food additives in processed foods) and lockdown control of the global police state that rises out of the orchestrated crisis.
  • Massive and expanding global islamic terrorism, possibly bringing nuclear terrorism, or plague from germ warfare.
  • A solar flare (that occurs about every 150 years, and has not occurred since our electrical power-grid-driven modern industrial economy began) could wipe out our modern economy, disable all computers and electronics for years and, again, result in mass starvation and collapse of the modern world.
  • Social-Marxist orchestrated collapse of the United States and other western democracies, a slow "march through the institutions" and censorship of free thought through Political Correctness, that eventually leads to Soviet-style authoritarian lockdown of the remaining dissenters, "re-education centers" and purges. As envisioned by the likes of the Frankfurt School, William Ayers, and at least partially shared in the ideology of our great leader Comrade Obama.
  • Some other deception by wealthy and political elites, possibly exploiting the zeal of Marxists, Muslims, secularists, Christians or other groups, and hijacking the crisis in the direction they (the elites) want to take it.

Some of those aired warnings offer serious evidence, others are unintentionally comedic hype to get people to buy their books and survival gear, and/or watch their weekly show. Some silly, some serious and valid.

I'm by nature an optimist. But with our nation's enormous debt, fragility of the global economy, increasing aggression of Russia, China and the Islamic world, rogue states like Iran and North Korea obtaining nukes, and in Iran's case having the fanaticism to use them, and the increasing rise of Islamic terrorism and other terrorist movements, never before has "the end" seemed more likely.

Do you believe the end is near?
If so, what do you think is the most likely end scenario?

Or alternately, how do you think we get out of it, and what alternate direction do you think the future takes?