I would point out that being "gay" is not a proven biological condition. There is just as much evidence that being homosexual is a choice, and that tens of thousands of people have been psychologically treated for homosexuality as a disorder, been cured of it, and are now living normal heterosexual lives.
I've posted many example cases earlier in this topic.

People of religious faith are arguably not "bigoted" toward gays, but wanting to let them live happier and more fulfilling lives by avoiding the dysfunctional "lifestyle choice" of homosexuality.
I know two homosexuals in my own family, and the point where they chose that lifestyle, despite acceptance of the entire family, marks the point of their descent into alcoholism, depression, psychological counseling and prescribed anti-depressants. Prior to their descent into "the lifestyle" they were happy and fun people. And that partly explains my hostility toward the gay mindset, because homosexuality took two of my favorite people and turned them into people I barely recognize.

Beyond that, "gay rights" is a constructed weapon to attack religious freedom, and those who disagree with homosexuality have every right to oppose what cannot even be proven to be a legitimate biological/psychological condition.
