Mind you, I'm playing on PS3.

 Originally Posted By: thedoctor

I've noticed a few spots when characters' voices are a lot lower than they should be compared to all the other sounds (background noises/speech or music) in the scene. Sometime you can barely hear them.

Yeah, they kinda took Garret's voice acting to Christian Bale Batman levels of stupid at times. That coupled with the character design change (Leather gimp suit looking thing and.... eye shadow?) kinda disappointed me.


As I said, I'm having fun going back through maps trying to be stealthier or to find loot/special items that I missed and doing the side mission stealing to progress the game too far yet.

Yeah. I always likened Thief to Hitman or even SWAT in that way. Seldom goes shit go as planned the first time around, so like it or hate it, you find yourself replaying damn near the entire game at least three times over till you get it right.

The fact that it's first-person only is kinda shitty. With Thief 3 (Deadly Shadows) they implemented a wall-hug functionality that let you stick to the wall, and switched to third person, a bit like the cover system in Rainbow Six Vegas.

So far (I've only just gotten the wrench) I'm a bit disappointed.
While I'm happy to see that Thief is back, I can't help but feel it could've been done better. Admittedly, in terms of a stealth game, it's still more enjoyable than Assassin's Creed. The jumping has always been sloppy and haphazard, and while they aren't AS bad in this one, the voice acting -- particularly from NPC's -- has been corny at best. This is their fourth go at this franchise. You'd think they'd have a handle on some of that shit by now.
It's a game that makes me cringe at some of its shortcomings (so far) but I've liked the concept and gameplay itself enough over the years that I'll probably still wind up feeding that obsessive desire to keep retrying levels to improve my score.

"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all."
-- Lothar of the Hill People