Well, as you acknowledge in your own answer, these end times scenarios can be observed as imminent, even if one
is NOT a Christian.

But certainly, for Christians things such as a nuclear war, global plague, world war, global economic collapse, or rise
and tyranny of a global government, would all be seen through the template of at least potentially being the
fulfillment of end-times prophecy.

Christians in Nazi concentration camps thought Hitler was the prophetically foretold anti-Christ.

Since at least the late 1970's I've seen that things are in place where an anti-Christ type figure could lock down
authoritarian control on the U.S. and European population.
With credit increasingly replacing cash, the UPC
price codes with all numbers framed in a 666 bar. The internet where every message and phone call are recorded and can be retrieved
instantly from a national database (thank you NSA, Bush's Patriot Act, and Obama's renewal and expansion of it!).
Security cameras everywhere, face-recognition technology, the capacity to freeze assets. The militarization
of local police, DHS accumulating 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, construction of 600 FEMA camps across the U.S.
that can detain up to 50 million people. In the last 2 years I've increasingly heard of a chip created that has
the potential to replace credit cards, that is being proposed to --you guessed it!-- be placed in either the right
hand or forehead of each person.

For the first time, an authoritarian one-world government in the West has the ability -right now-- to do a complete
lockdown. But I think they will continue to refine that ability before they really turn the screws.

Even as a Christian, I look at these things disturbingly resembling Bible prophecy enough to possibly be
fulfilling them. But I don't jump the gun and say it definitely is.

But disaster, particularly economic collapse that would trigger an authoritarian police state to put down revolution
and dissent, certainly seems imminent unless reforms are made. As I've pointed out repeatedly, even the CBO, GAO,
global credit rating agencies, and our Chinese debt financiers (who are quietly getting out of U.S. treasury assets)
have all warned that the current system is "unsustainable" unless we change course. And these people are not
right-wing Christians, looking at events through Bible prophecy.