EMP Nightmare: How Iran or North Korea Could Destroy America with a Single Bomb

A more serious discussion of using nuclear EMP weapons against the United States, by either Iran or North Korea.

As much as George W. Bush was demonized during his presidency for his alleged wrongheaded paranoia about an
"axis of evil" between Iran, Syria and North Korea regarding proliferation of nuclear weapons,
there has been considerable evidence of that secretive cooperation in recent years. Beginning with the
Israeli bombing of a Syrian facility that (post-attack, examining the bombed remains) had a more advanced
nuclear program than anyone expected them to have, some of the components being North Korean,
speeding development along.

The above clip discusses Iranian nuclear scientists attending a North Korean nuclear test. And pretty
impressive video of a North Korean underground test, presumably taken by a U.S. reconnaissance
satellite or plane.

And I've seen other reports previously about Iran testing a new missile from a ship in the Caspian sea,
that would likewise fit the scenario of a dry run for an EMP attack on the U S.

We think of the United States as insulated from foreign powers by the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. But as
this clip details, they could sail up in a missile-capable ship and launch 12 miles off our shore, with
virtually no response time.