Originally Posted By: PCG342
Woo. Passive-aggressive AND disproportionate. Soundin' more and more like my ex-wife....

I had a much milder response typed out, and then I remembered it was pcg. giving you shit is immensely cathartic for me and also functions as message-board crate training for you. I'm a generous guy. if it helps, this is rob's fucking boards. we eat our own as appetizers.

 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
The PC Master Race thing shouldn't be taken seriously. It's been going on for a long time that it's basically an in-joke.

more or less. the vocal minority of neckbeards have collectively become such a memorable character that it's really hard to participate in nerd culture nowadays without slipping into that character to some extent. sort of a grey area in between self-deprecation and a kind of perverse pride.


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