Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy (emphasis added)
...As is evidenced from the half-baked response of the Ferguson police department in the 7 days after the shooting, this is not the best-trained police department, with the most up-to-date equipment... If this account is accurate (and the three autopsies back the it) Wilson tried to just wound Brown several times in the arm and shoulder, and only shot Brown in the head when, Wilson already dazed with a head injury and unable to further fight, was about to be overtaken by Brown.

that's a problem. despite what movies and TV keep insisting, you can't 'shoot to injure' someone. there is nothing but shoot to kill - once you've committed to pulling the trigger, you're acknowledging that you accept the moral and legal ramifications of killing that person. you can hit someone in the arm and kill them (radial artery), you can hit someone in the leg and kill them very quickly (femoral artery), pretty much the entire torso is off limits (scapula and ribcage can 'bounce' a .22, a .38, or a 9mm and generate lethal internal ricochets)... it's a mess. firearms are made for the sole purpose of killing what you shoot with them. that keeps coming back to poor training, which you cited and which I still maintain had more to do with the actual killing than anything else. though I'm still not sold on how the confrontation began or unfolded.


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