I recently ran across an article I wrote after the 1992 Rodney King police verdict and subsequent riots, and was saddened by how there has been absolutely no improvement in race relations in 22 years. The issues in the Michael Brown shooting, the Trayvon Martin shooting, and the Rodney King verdict are exactly the same.

In each you have a black thug who has a history of stereotypical black criminal behavior, who when in contact with law enforcement (or in Trayvon Martin's case, a neighborhood watch guy acting as an appointed lookout for his community) and when approached by police/watch, reacted violently and did not cooperate. And yet in each case, the black community overwhelmingly reads racism into the situation and reacts with violent outrage, blindly defending a black criminal despite the facts of each's own (King's, Martin's, Brown's)contribution to triggering the violence that was unleashed on them.

In the current Michael Brown case, black protestors, on up to leaders like Al Sharpton, and political leaders like Eric Holder and Jamilah Nasheed want to bypass the rule of law and essentially lynch officer Darren Wilson.
That, arguably, is even worse than 22 years ago.

An entire generation of black America has been indoctrinated in a sense of being "owed" for past racial discrimination, and indoctrinated in terms like "white privilege" and "institutionalized racism". A generation that has never known true racism, that has far more equality and opportunity than existed at the time I was born (1963). And is oblivious to the fact that their own belligerence, not racism, is what truly triggers these events.