Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
... it's becoming very obvious how bad of an idea it is to run pretty much every credible left-of-center poster off these forums...

How exactly was Pro run off these boards?
From what I saw, he chose to go to another forum. Say what you will about Pro (and I've said plenty) but I don't think anyone could ever harass or intimidate him off these or any boards, unless he wanted to go. I don't think it was about conservative/liberal that he left. It was just leaving for a forum that more suited his current interests (he announced it, I forget which site he posts to now).

And these boards have "run off" plenty of the most prominent conservatives here over the years, including BSAMS/Irwin Schwab, Rex, PJP, wannabuyamonkey, and even myself for a few months periodically. These can be tough boards, no matter what your political perspective.