I also again question the need to reform immigration at all. As Herman Cain said during a debate in early 2008:
"We don't need comprehensive immigration reform. We already have a comprehensive immigration plan. It's called legal immigration !"

As I've pointed out repeatedly, the United States admits more green-card legal immigrants every year than the other nations of the world combined. We admit over 1 million LEGAL immigrants a year. And in light of that already generous immigration policy, there is no reason we should tolerate illegal immigrants who unlawfully invade our country.
The official estimated numbers of illegal immigrants for about 15 years have been unchanged, estimated at 12 to 20 million illegals. And since those numbers have not been changed, it's more likely 25 to 30 million illegals, if not more.

If anyone remembers, the estimate when the House and Senate passed an amnesty that Reagan signed in 1986 was about 1 million illegals. It turned out that 3 million illegals came forward and took the amnesty.

If the current lowball estimate of illegals follows the same pattern, that would be a minimum of 36 million illegals who would come forward to accept amnesty. And that is absolutely not acceptable.