Did anyone watch Der Feuhrer's speech last night?
Honestly, no surprises really.

He basically gave temporary amnesty (for 3 years) to 5 million illegals, so they can legally work in the U.S. and (hahahahahaha!) pay taxes. I don't believe the "temporary" status will ever be rescinded, or that they will pay taxes.

And further, as Andrew McCarthy said to Megyn Kelly last night, more likely Obama will issue another executive order giving amnesty to the other 7 million (at the minimum estimate) illegals before he leaves office.

And then Democrats will push to expand on that and give them full citizenship, voting rights and welfare at some point in the years after. And if you don't think that's possible, look at what Democrats under Reid/Pelosi did to Clinton's "unbreakable" welfare reform when they regained majorities in 2007-2008. The law means absolutely nothing to Democrats, it's just something to be abused in pursuit of their hidden agenda. They lie to the public to get elected, and then change the rules once in office. Over and over.