Prosecuting attorney McCulloch's 9PM announcement from last night:

I went grocery shopping right after I watched this, and was amazed when I got home that after this, there were riots, burning buildings and store lootings. Not just in Ferguson, Missouri, but nationwide.

These rioters are people who are not motivated by news and facts, but by pure hatred, and are eager to believe the wildest conspiracy theories from the like of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and partisans in the liberal media. They will cling to any conspiracy theory that justifies their actions, and are immune to any facts or evidence. THAT scares me more than the looting and burning buildings! That the liberal base nationwide is increasingly an unreasoning mob, driven by a false narrative that cannot be disproven by the facts.

They cut off the questions by reporters, and I wish they hadn't, because the questions make clear the indignant one-sided bias of the media, who clearly were deeply invested in an indictment of Wilson. The concluding question shouted at McCulloch as he left the room was: "Mr McCulloch, will you sleep well tonight, sir!?!..."

Implying of course, that he shouldn't.