
The "black grievance industry" narrative of what happened with the Eric Garner arrest, that has organized thousands in cities across America chanting slogans, protesting a "white racist" police force is a narrative that flies in direct opposition to the facts.

1)"Stop and frisk" that began when Guiliani was mayor, reduced homicides in New York by over 75%, and actually SAVED (not threatened) black lives. As the black murder statistics that dropped by over 75% firmly establish.

2) The narrative that "white racism" is what killed Eric Garner is a transparent lie, when you consider that it was black store owners who complained to police about Eric Garner selling cigarettes illegally outside their stores, that it was a black police captain who took their requests to do something about it, and a female black police sergeant who oversaw the arrest, as well as other black officers present when Garner was arrested.

3) That the "white racist" police force in New York City is actually a force with a majority of officers who are people of color, and a minority who are white.

These are all facts I didn't previously know. And the human cattle in the streets chanting slogans likely will never know, because they just want to rationalize rage, vandalism and looting, and have no real interest in the facts. O'Reilly's interview with Giuliani tonight was very persuasive, with facts that race-baiters like Al Sharpton and the like cannot address. So they whip up race arguments to hide the true facts.