I ran across this topic again, and one that strikes me as noticeably missing is Meryl Streep, from Bridges of Madison County.

Streep was the quintessence of a MILF in this role, a modest wife just maintaining the home doing the cooking and cleaning, and in a very understated way, in doing so is just wildly sexy. A woman who's not even trying to be sexy, but unwittingly just naturally is.

I love the way she (in character) self-consciously runs her hands over the contours of her dress periodically to straighten herself and be presentable, but it unconsciously draws attention to her natural curves, and to the fact she's a beautiful woman. I thought this was a wonderful bit of nonverbal acting on her part.

It's a thrill to see Streep throughout this film, as the quiet personality of the character she plays draws you in, as you get to know her. You can't help falling in love with her a little bit.