Well, at least she didn't say: "Let me tell you something I know about the negro..."

There goes that testimony. If I recall correctly, there were 7 witnesses that supported officer Darren Wilson's account of events. And 3 who incriminated Wilson as shooting Michael Brown in the back, as Brown, they alleged, raised his hands and said "don't shoot." The main witness was Dorian Johnson, who almost immediately was revealed to be the co-burglar with Brown in the convenience-store strongarm robbery, and both Brown and Johnson can clearly be seen in the act, in the convenience store surveillance video. No dispute possible there.
Dorian Johnson clearly lied, and it was also disclosed had lied in his account of a previous incident when speaking with police. He also has a lengthy rap sheet, and quickly lawyered up.
The other two "don't shoot/shot in the back" witnesses are two teenage black girls who are friends of Dorian Johnson and Michael Brown. There goes that testimony too.
And the forensics and three autopsies also back Darren Wilson's account. The bullet in the top of Michael Brown's head is consistent with the "charging like a football player" account. Although it looks like McElroy's testimony is no longer credible, other testimony and forensic evidence of Michael Brown's charge on officer Wilson is.

I think this...

The opening entry in McElroy’s journal on the day Brown died declared, “Well Im gonna take my random drive to Florisant. Need to understand the Black race better so I stop calling Blacks Niggers and Start calling them People.” A commendable goal, indeed.

...is the single oddest thing McElroy said. Although her bias and fabrication in favor of Darren Wilson and against Michael Brown is clear enough in all her other behavior.

It does raise the question, though, why local police and federal FBI and DOJ didn't pick her story apart in a matter of minutes. Certainly Eric Holder's DOJ officials gathering witness testimony would not have been part of a conspiracy to protect Darren Wilson. Quite the opposite, they would have jumped on this evidence against McElroy's testimony. If McElroy is truly as bent as this smoking-gun piece asserts.