Originally Posted By: thedoctor
I thought that it was fan fic with that first shot.

I thought YOU were fan fic with that first shot. Shot of cum across your pouty lips, you wench.

That lightsaber looks fucking retarded. Someone from the toy division probably came up with it.

Fuck you. That thing looks bad-the-fuck-ass. If we can have a movie with laser swords that suddenly have limit to their length, then we can have "exhaust ports" on the side or whatever. I think the broadsword saber looks awesome and if you disagree, everyone everywhere but me is wrong.

Everything else looks good with the exception of the Falcon loop shot. There's just something about it that doesn't seem Star Wars. This was always a fairy tale in space. Somehow making it look more realistic seems to fuck it up.

Again....FUCKING INSANITY, JD. Everything about that Falcon shot not only screams nostalgia, and gives me chills, but looks more like "STAR WARS" than anything since Jedi. What's so "realistic" about it, anyway? It looks like the same ship from the originals, just with a different radar dish on top (cuz fucking Lando couldn't drive straight in JEDI).

This looks balls-out badass. You're talking to an age-old Trekkie who never cared much about SW and I simply cannot WAIT to see this.

Remember: If you disagree, I am right and every person on this planet is wrong.