Yeeeaaahhh--after the Fetch decision, I just called it quits. SuckerPunch makes a decent enough free roam (still mediocre compared to others on the market), but the whole superpowers aspect--which is admittedly well done--doesn't make up for simplistic moral decisions and a tired bigotry narrative that's more forced than X-Men. The "Bio-Terrorist" pejoratives are the crappiest attempt at sociopolitical parody I've ever seen: it's like they thought they could get away with any writing foibles as long as you made shooting cinder and neon pretty enough.

They might've gotten away with this shit if they hadn't made Delsin such a douchebag. But it's like they felt obligated to make him an SLC Punk reject spouting his own brand of street smart alternative morality and pretentious commentary on tolerance.

Playing Sleeping Dogs now. I understand why SoM compared the fighting system to Batman. I feel kind of frustrated though since I keep trying to use it like the Free-Flow system and fucking it up in the process.