I do feel sorry for call centre people and when they call I am always nice to them. Once someone was so happy I was pleasant they were gushy in their goodbye.

Having said that, once an English guy rang my private home line and I answered in Japanese thinking it was my dad (he doesn't speak Japanese - he and I have a thing where we pretend it is the wrong number or pretend the other persons has rung a brothel). The sales guy was such a douche I just carried on in Japanese.

The only other time I was rude was when a sales person said their telco deal was approved by the Australian government. It wasn't and I knew it wasn't. I got mad and asked to speak it their manager. Oddly they didn't put me on hold. You could hear this hushed conversation while they debated what to do. Finally, after 3 minutes of me waiting, they gently replaced the phone on the hook.

Pimping my site, again.
