Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Just a question to set things in perspective, if a straight couple ordered a cake for a gay wedding from the Baker, would he have done it? Or vice versa, if a gay couple (i don't know how he would know. Maybe they're blowing each other while coming through the door) orders a normal wedding cake, would he have done it?

 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
also, disregard my question. I just wanted to post something about people blowing each other while entering an establishment. It seems like a cool thing to do.

I meant to answer this before, but I've been rather busy. I think I covered it when I said above that if gays just came in to order lunch or a birthday cake, and were refused service solely on the basis of their being gay, that would be discrimination. It not because of being gay they refused service, but because of a specific cake they were asked to make for an activity that diametrically opposed the bakers' Christian beliefs. That is religious freedom.
Regarding "how did they even know it was for gays?", the couple requested it for a lesbian service.

If Satanists came in and just ordered a "Happy Birthday" cake for a friend, I'm sure the Christian bakers (probably not even knowing) would comply with a conventional request.
If they requested a "Hail Satan" cake, the Christian bakers would similarly refuse, based on the fact they strongly oppose that religious viewpoint.

That is not discrimination. It's religious freedom.