Apparently, Christians Against Dinosaurs is an actual f*cking thing. While this may seem like a belief system one may temporarily form while having a bad time of exploring the effects of psychedelics, this group of brave Bible-believers is fighting against the horrific, Satanic scientists thrusting upon the world the belief that…dinosaurs existed.

I never saw dinosaurs/evolution and the Bible as mutually exclusive. I see a lot of metaphorical wiggle-room in Genesis that could allow for hundreds of millions of years.
The idea that makes dinosaurs/evolution possibly evil is that it reduces mankind to just another species of animal. But in the Bible, humans are created by God in God's own image, with a unique conscience, and (in God's own image) an inherent knowledge of right and wrong.

The seduction of evolution is it teaches that by being scientifically evolved over millions of years (vs. being a direct creation of God) humans have the same instincts as animals, and are not in unique control of their instincts, just another animal. Although there's nothing I'm aware of in the Bible that is contradicted by Evolution. Beyond the vague secularist notion that we aren't created by God.

But why couldn't God have created evolution, and at the moment he made us Homo Sapiens, have created us from that point in the image of God?