Just started on Dragonball Xenoverse. Bandai Namco did a better port job this time around compared to that Naruto crap that ran like ass even though it was capped at 30fps. The game has all the necessary graphics options for the Sammitch market (no fps cap, 4k support) and it's well optimized too, judging by how I'm getting smooth 60fps even on my ancient PC, with only the shadows turned down to medium.

Servers are currently being flooded so I couldn't try the multiplayer. I did manage to get in once, and saw that people are already max leveled on the first day the game was released. Not even going to bother fighting against other people online.

Single player is decent. It's basically a dragon ball rpg that finally allows you to create your own character. I made a fat pink character that shoots balls. And he wears a space age monocle.