Originally Posted By: thedoctor
They'd be doing me a favor if they locked me out of my email.

These guys are just lazy pricks who spend their time playing WoW or whatever instead of doing their jobs. I've given this shit two weeks to get back to me on something that is being pushed by the big boss. He's sat on his ass and hasn't even emailed me with a guess as to when he'll get to it. This is after he lied about the fact that we had a big meeting about this same shit last year and got caught. His boss is just as lazy as he is, and I've got a paper trail of printed out emails to prove that they're both useless if they come gunning for a fight.

The IT position is often abused and overstaffed. The reality is that, in this day and age, computer maintenance and communications don't require more than one to two people per department. Despite this fact, the people applying for the job are able to techno-babble most non-computer savvy employers into hiring a deluge of people who sit in a room and do nothing.

Hell, we were able to support a seven company battalion with just four to five guys in our section. There were some bad days when EVERYONE had a fucking problem (mostly just due to their own inability to work a computer/phone), but as long as everything was set up correctly, we only had to apply a few tweaks here and there. Most days, I didn't have to leave the desk.