We outsourced our IT. Shrunk a team of 4 to one (a programmer) and externalised the help desk. Which means sending an email if important incoming correspondence gets caught by our muscular spam filter and waiting, waiting for a response.

They're ok though these guys. At least they seem to do some work.

On the prank front, the senior guy here had these framed posters created, meant to promote positive internal cultural values.

One of the posters lords his appointment to the partnership (there is only one other poster "celebrating" an individual, and that is of a guy who has been here since 1974). It was the sort of thing you'd do only if you have a heroic ego.

So far, in my managerial role as prank-buster, I have had to have the poster removed from the wall of the disabled men's toilets and have had to pick googly eyes (the plastic things kids use on pictures where the black iris moves around in a little plastic dome, bestowing a goofy Cookie Monster-vibe) from the guy's eyes as they appear on the poster.

The poster is now in our new Melbourne office where the people there apparently regard it with distain and have it sit in chairs during video conferences.

Pimping my site, again.
