Nine articles surface on the same day (with two or three more in the days following Aug 28) after the outrage over the Quinnspiracy, and that's just lazy journalism?

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. How many dumb thinkpieces about Baltimore are there on Gawker, Slate and sites like that right now? Saying pretty much the same thing? These sites love outrage, and the proto-Gamergaters at 4chan gave them exactly that when they started going after Quinn, trying to drive her to suicide and generally being awful about the whole thing. They wanted a scandal and they got one, just not about what they thought.

And if you actually look at those articles, there was actually one at Ars Technica, I think one other that referred to it but added substantial stuff, and the rest were just quoting and aping the first two, like these people do with everything.

That's nice. Do you guys talk to the authors, actors, directors, publishers, etc. associated with the media content of which you guys write columns about? 'Cuz, you know, the people in the Pro mailing list did. Why on earth should developers be on a professional mailing list with this journalist community when the job of the latter is to critique the produce and the business practices of the former?

It would be very different if you were talking about real journalists and big companies with actual clout, but you're talking about bloggers who write pretentious toy reviews and indie developers who make their own games. They both come out of gaming fandom, so I'm not surprised that they're friends and shoot the shit. The equivalent in Cracked's case would not be Joss Whedon or Spielberg, but a guy who wrote a Harry Potter fan theory or a My Little Pony erotic novella. In that case, yeah, we do talk to those guys, because many of our writers are also write for TV Tropes, fan wikis and stuff like that.

Or, perhaps, maybe you guys talk amongst yourselves about other peers that have made your shit list and decide as a group whether or not you should blackball them the same way the journo community did to Allistair Pinsoff.

If writers plagiarize, if sites don't pay, if someone acts like a total butt, yeah, we warn each other about those people. Believe it or not it happens in every part of entertainment.