Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
So, I'm apparently going to have this very unexpected life-changing event soon. I'm obviously very flabbergasted by the life-changiness of it all (nervous, anxious, etc). I'm really weirded out though because it doesn't feel as though it should be all that earth-shaking--and NO! It's not a baby.

For perspextive, can you guys tell me what your most life-changing events were?

Also, if it's having kids, then please list your secondary events. Anything that doesn't involve procreation.

Listen, Bruce Jenner seems to be doing well with it. The public is accepting. There's no way for us to think that you're any weirder than we already do. Go ahead and start that hormone therapy. You'll finally be happy.


More seriously... I got diagnosed with cyclothymia earlier this year. Hardly debilitating, but the six-eight week cyclical downers were not super pleasant for family and colleagues.


I don't mind saying I wasn't happy with the diagnosis. Knowing that my brain chemistry was out of whack, probably from the very significant stress of my job, isn't air-punching news. I wasn't pleased that the solution required a change in behaviour, or a reliance on a drug, in circumstances where I figured I could soldier on. It required a great deal of thinking. I decided that even though I wasn't happy with it, my preference to persist with my current state of affairs had to take one for the team.

Otherwise, grief - manifesting for me primarily as death and divorce. In both cases I have learned that it usually pops up as a big deal a year later once it has time to gel as a concept, triggered by something unrelated.

Pimping my site, again.
