
Instead of a rehearsed "all to blame" knee-jerk, can we please acknowledge the lion's share of the blame so that we may empirically conclude that it was the fucking North that was responsible not simply for trying to force their values and policies on the South but also defy the constitution and start a ridiculous war that cost hundreds of thousands of lives just so Lincoln wouldn't have to say he let the union dissolve?

Also, Southern culture was not nearly as overtly supremacist as modern armchair historians would have us believe. While the South had the most slave owners, they could hardly be associated with the common Southern man. The reality is that slavery was out the door anyway. On that note, Lincoln wasn't even averse the idea of letting it continue as long as the succession was put to an end--a proposal that was refused of course.

The very existence of the Confederate flag defies the idea of a federal monopoly over the states. That's the only reason the left truly hates that flag.