Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It's been interesting seeing at least some of the GOP modify it's stance on this issue. I think it boils down to a case of the their old base not being big enough for the republican party any more.

While the DNC (and liberal media) gladly gives a free pass to the anti-white racism of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barack and Michelle Obama's diatribes againse America as if it were still 1964, pan-Hispanic groups who advocate "taking back" the U.S. demographically or otherwise, and the violence of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and other lowlife criminally inclined belligerents whose actions are somehow justified by past racism and "white privilege", while those who lawfully defend themselves from them are ostracized as racists who got away with something even after a trial by jury (George Zimmerman), and after a biased U.S. Justice Dept investigation under Eric Holder STILL finds them innocent of wrongdoing (Officer Darren Wilson).

One side has respect for the rule of law, and it is the Republicans, not the Democrats.