
This is just another case (like abortion) where the Supreme Court tries to hijack the issue, and prematurely declare the debate over.

The U.S. Supreme Court "ended" the debate on abortion with the Roe vs. Wade ruling in 1973. Is that debate over? Hell no. Polls now show that more people oppose abortion than support it.

Likewise, the gay debate is far from over, regardless of a single ruling. There is still no proof that homosexuality is an actual natural condition, and not an aberrant compulsive desire some choose to act on, like gambling, like pedophilia, like alcoholism or addiction.

This is a victory borne from decades of carpet-bombing the public with pro-gay propaganda, not a victory borne of science, facts or morality.

And as I've said before, gays can legally force these kind of rulings in the courts, but we will never accept in our hearts what we know to be wrong.