Well, actually, they only didn't want her to go to jail so long as they could force her to compromise her beliefs, but beyond that they were perfectly happy to send her to jail, to intimidate her into submission.

But now that she stood firm to her convictions and wouldn't back down, and was a rallying flag for people of religious faith that was drawing increasing support...


LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -- After five days behind bars, county clerk Kim Davis was ordered released from jail Tuesday by the judge who locked her up for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

U.S. District Judge David Bunning lifted the contempt order but directed Davis not to interfere with the granting of licenses by her deputies.

The move came down just before Davis was to receive jailhouse visits from presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz.

Davis was thrown in jail on Thursday, becoming a hero among religious conservatives for the boldest act of resistance by a public official yet to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling earlier this year that legalized gay marriage across the nation.

Outside the jail where Davis was held, word spread slowly through a crowd of supporters in the afternoon, and some said they couldn't believe the news.

Davis, an apostolic Christian, says that gay marriage is a sin and that it would be against her conscience to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple.

...when the secularists intimidating her were looking like the powermongering assholes they truly are, and they were losing support, not Kim Davis, they backed down.
Maybe you've seen coverage that I haven't seen, Doog. But all I've seen demonstrates they were perfectly willing to let Ms. Davis rot in jail for weeks, months, or even years, until she conformed to their pro-gay agenda.

It should also be pointed out that Kentucky only recently made this change to accept and codify gay marriage. Kim Davis has been in her Clerk position for decades, so she was/is rightly upholding what she knows to have been the law for her entire career, and not standing for the corruption of it with the very recent passing of a new law, arguably not with the consent of the governed.

Again and again we see this formula playing out in states across the country: There is no "=" (as the bumper sticker implies), under the new law, people of religious faith and gays are not "equal". As gays gain rights of gay marriage, they gain it at the expense of people of religious faith. And people of religious faith are forced as photographers and as bakers, and (by attempt) as county clerks to cater their weddings, or be fined and/or imprisoned out of business.

And there is no hypocrisy on Kim Davis' part. The smear merchants (in classic liberal form) have dug up every skeleton in her closet to try and discredit her. But her divorces and so forth date back to a time before she became a Christian.

Senator Rand Paul (also of Kentucky) suggested that we take marriage out of the realm of state recognition, where it is only something recognized only by churches, which would eliminate the ability of the state to force those of religious faith to accept "gay marriage", something they know to be clearly and scripturally against their religious beliefs.