Do you have an opinion that doesn't sound like you're quoting from the Glenn Beck bible?

We know your feeling about the big evil faggots being given equal rights against the beliefs of Christians. You've beat it to death.

How do you feel about the actual topic of this thread? Should people not have to do the job they were hired to do if it conflicts with their beliefs? Should they be able to keep their job? If a Muslim gets a job at Denny's should they have the right to refuse a customers request for bacon? If a Scientologist is a pharmacist should they be able to refuse to fill an order that includes anti depressants? If a Jehovahs Witness gets a job with the Red Cross should they refuse to work a blood drive? How far should everyone else bend over to accommodate somebody else's personal beliefs when it's obvious before the hiring process begins that there may be functions of their job that cause a conflict to their conscience?