Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
Short Round

Sorry I dropped the ball, I've been busy the last few days.

As far as I've been able to detect, Bolton's earliest work was a 2-page "Bionic Woman" feature in the weekly (?) tv/popular culture British magazine LOOK-IN. The "Bionic Woman" series ran for about 2 years in the magazine, from 1976-1978. About 60 episodes, and about 120 pages total, where Bolton developed his craft, and even colored the feature.

Here's a sample page.

Bolton also did a few horror stories for the British HOUSE OF HAMMER (later retitled HOUSE OF HORROR) magazine, published by Dez Skinn. The same guy who edited and published WARRIOR magazine, an anthology magazine that featured several of Alan Moore's earliest series work, such as Marvelman (published in the U.S. as MIRACLEMAN), and V FOR VENDETTA (both discontinued when Moore was hired in early 1984 to do SWAMP THING for DC, and both those early series were concluded by Moore later. Including a few single-issue Bolton collaborations in WARRIOR with a writer named Steve Moore (not Alan).

Most of the early 10" X 12"-size issues of HOUSE OF HORROR had very small print runs of about 1000 copies.
Far easier to find with better printing and in color in Eclipse's 7" X 10" comic size JOHN BOLTON: HALLS OF HORROR 1 and 2.
Which collect 5 of the 9 stories Bolton did for the magazine.