My initial instinct to Boehner resigning is "Good."

Boehner has accomplished little as speaker (other than advancing Obama's agenda and failing to stand for issues that his own party campaigned on, particularly in 2014, and then didn't even try to de-fund Obamacare as they promised and won the Senate on promising, and then immediately funded in their first 3 weeks as a new legislature.)

But it concerns me that guys like Ted Cruz will take control and possibly shut down the government again in a pointless gesture with no exit strategy.

I've thought all along that Obama's people have something on Boehner, that makes him so pliant to the Dems' wishes. So again for that, I'm glad to see him go. But still concerned about who will replace Boehner, and if they have any will to stand for conservative principles (i.e., the will of the people, who voted for them based on those stated principles.)
It's a far cry from the 1994 Contract With America, where they stated their objectives pre-election and passed most of them, and those not enacted only because of Bill Clinton's veto pen obstruction of their passing.