The Pope went home today after a 6-day tour of America. His 2nd day he visited the White House, where Obama stacked the crowd with pro-gay and pro-abortion opposition, a clear insult to the Pope and Catholics nationwide.

Pope Francis the third day spoke before Congress.
Then the fourth day to the U.N. assembly.
Yesterday he spoke about the value of the family at an outdoor ceremony in Philadelphia.
And today ended with a prayer ceremony before leaving.

I'm not even Catholic, and I see this as very significant, despite my opposition to many of Pope Francis' stated views about the evils of capitalism, and advocating "social justice" for the poor (i.e., wealth redistribution.) And his comment in the Philadelphia speech that people are "given an identity card at birth by God" that somewhat ambiguously sides with illegal immigrants to the U.S.

Pope Francis' more conservative positions on homosexuality and abortion are largely ignored by the liberal media. But anything that seems critical of conservative values and Christianity is given maximum coverage.