Before the experts have even declared her the victor?!? I don't think so. Bernie Sanders is struggling to not challenge it. Everyone can plainly see that it's a 0.3% victory, in a contest of roughly 100,000 votes among the top 3 candidates, where even a few coin-tosses to determine the outcome of several counties make a huge difference. Again, it is not a Republican, but a liberal who made this observation. One of many.

Also funny was the beautiful, eloquent victory speech by Marco Rubio for his miraculous performance rising 8 points above what was projected in polls for him to gain.

Except... he didn't win, he came in third! The media celebration of Rubio's "victory" was discussed with annoyance by both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, both of whom got thousands more votes than Rubio, and yet the media acted as if they lost!

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
He is an open boarders cunt and an establishment agent. Whatever eloquence he exhibits is bluster and subterfuge.

He's another Ryan in the making: He's going to get into office and proceed to break every promise after talking a big game about defending conservatism. Like a good republican foil for the democrats, he's going to play the mean and nasty villain that the DEMs eventually smite so that they tell their shills that they're looking out for the common man while the republicans can say to their base, "Hey, at least we tried amirite?"

It's a one party system. And it's left.

That would explain why the [80%-plus liberal] media is celebrating victory for his 3rd-place showing.

My worst fear is that another RINO is elected president, who betrays [like W. Bush] Reagan-conservative principles, and further diminishes the brand of what Republicans stand for. And if amnesty is given to millions of illegals (the estimates are about 20 million illegals, but that number has been touted since 2002, and I think the real number is about 35 or 40 million who would receive amnesty) that would tip the scales and give the DNC a permanent majority, and make the DNC like the Pri in Mexico, where they ruled the country for 100 years and just corruptly rubber-stamped whatever they wanted unopposed, because the other party ceased to have the numbers to ever win another election.
While I have a suspicion and concern that Rubio would be such a Republican, you seem convinced of it, Pariah.