Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Before the experts have even declared her the victor?!? I don't think so. Bernie Sanders is struggling to not challenge it. Everyone can plainly see that it's a 0.3% victory, in a contest of roughly 100,000 votes among the top 3 candidates, where even a few coin-tosses to determine the outcome of several counties make a huge difference. Again, it is not a Republican, but a liberal who made this observation. One of many.


Her campaign did the math and she also didn't use the word victory in that speech. You would have no problem with it if it had been a republican with a narrow win. And no, the coin flips didn't make the difference. There have been many fact checks on this that you can check out. Nor does it matter if it's a conservative or a liberal saying it, it's still incorrect. County delegates are not the State delegates that formed the .3 gap.

Btw it's not just about winning obviously. Meeting expectations and surpassing them plays a role. Rubio's 3rd place was better for him than Clinton's first place was for her.

Fair play!