Trump: 35.2%

Kasich: 15.9%

Cruz: 11.5%

Bush: 11.1%

Rubio: 10.6%

(92 % reporting)

After doing some more research, I'm less depressed about Kasich's turnout being that much better than Cruz's. Apparently, Kasich has been on the ground in NH for months and attended at least a hundred town hall meetings. Like Bush and Rubio, he's spent a lot of time and money on exposure in the state, essentially betting the farm on it. By comparison, Cruz has spent less than a million with minimal face time--with Trump being a similar case.

Despite the wildly disproportionate level of spending between the two camps, the more economic anti-establishment insurgents are the ones who cleaned house.

Cruz called both his and Trump's NH performances a resounding success for grassroots conservatism. Seems right on the money.

Sanders' and Hillary's campaigns, on the other hand, seem substantially more money-driven. According to []Politico[/url], Sanders outspent Clinton in the state 3-1.