Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
So how many times has a partisan congress told a President not to make a nomination despite his constitutional duty to do so? Also people hate the GOP more than Obama and the dems.

You're missing the point entirely. The people aren't see a principle difference between the two anymore. More and more often you're going to hear the phrase "one party system", and you can't argue it to be anything other than a leftist one.

For good reason btw. Liberty isn't just for straight wealthy men anymore motherfuckers, lol \:\)

No. It's for wealthy white liberal men. All of those rent-seekers and cronies you actively supported with every vote for the DEMs.

 Originally Posted By: iggy
I'm all for the GOP choosing to not advise or consent from here until January 20, 2017 if they so choose. But, let's not pretend this argument really holds any water...


Cruz didn't twist anything. Illustrating precedent is not the same as claiming a rule. And that's especially effective against the administration since Obama has used precedent as a principle reason for argument more than any others. He only claims "constitutional responsibility" now that he doesn't have to BS that precedent actually matters.