Originally Posted By: Pariah
Trump wins Florida.

Wow, that's gotta hurt.

Who'd you vote for Dave?

I voted Trump. I considered Cruz, but ultimately, I can't see Cruz (however conservative he is) rallying cooperation from other Republicans, let alone rallying Democrats to join in legislation. Trump I see as a guy with the personality to inspire support, or by his popularity nationwide, leverage their cooperation. I think Trump would be conservative on economic issues, and probably more liberal (or at least more hands-off) on social issues like gay rights and abortion.
And I see Trump as a president that nations like Russia, China, Iran and North Korea would think twice about messing with. Where Obama is all too predictable and easy to intimidate, these rogue nations would be uncertain and fearful of what Trump as president would do in response to their provocations.

Rubio lost me a long time ago with his immigration plan.
Kasich, while arguably the most competent on many other issues, made clear in the Fox News debate that he also would completely cave as president to illegals. He said "it's impossible to round them all up."
But as I've said repeatedly, it's actually quite easy to eliminate ongoing illegal immigration, and get rid of those already here:

1) Use 7,000-10,000 National Guard to secure the southern border.
2) Build a double fence along the entire border, and begin charging $ 1 to each person who crosses the border to pay for its construction and maintenance.
3) Enforce heavy fines on employers of illegals. With this, employers will be afraid to hire illegals. And without work, they will be forced to return to their home countries.
4) Use INS to round up those who do not self-deport.
5) Add an amendment to the Constitution, that only the children of those who are legally in this country are entitled to citizenship at birth. That those born here to illegals are not entitled to that right. That would eliminate the burden of 300,000 "anchor babies" born in this country every year (10% of all U.S. births!) that create a path toward citizenship for their entire extended families.

It's not "impossible". The only thing blocking the possibility is the lack of will to do so.