Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Wondy
If Hillary Clinton were elected (another student of Alinsky and Cultural Marxism, who did her masters thesis on Alinsky) she would complete the destruction begun by Obama.

Is that the destruction of the military or the US in general? Not looking for a debate, just curious (it's the wrong forum anyway, we'd get banned). If Hillary Clinton was elected what would America look like at the end of her term?

Nope, just away long enough that I forgot about this topic.

Hillary is bought and paid for by George Soros and the Council on Foreign Relations, and would do their globalist bidding to further undermine U.S. sovereignty and reign us into a global system.
She's also already telegraphed her intentions ("an open boorders western hemisphere") to further open our borders to illegal immigrants.

U.S. National security would continue to weaken, as military funding would be diverted to social spending.
National debt (already 20 trillion by inauguration in Jan 2017) would continue to climb dangerously.
ISIS and the Taliban would continue to grow under Hillary, following the same negligent policy as her predecessor Obama.