Pennsylvania, Cincinnati, and Maryland all go to Trump. As was expected.

Indiana win or not, I don't think Cruz is going to win this. If it comes down to a contested convention, I'm convinced that the RNC is going fuck with the rules enough to keep either one from winning ouright, thus forcing a brokered convention in which they get their pet candidate, thus sparking the revolution.

Steadily ever moreso, I'm leaning towards a Trump vote despite my dislike for him as a person. As I mentioned previously, regardless of his questionable position(s), his victory is the establishment's utter defeat--a possibility which I favor immensely since it spells out an inevitable resurgence of nationalism and populism in the states. Of course, he could betray the people that put him into office, but I am convinced that his backstab will be the death sentence of both he and American Federalism, which will be usefully symbolic in its own right.

Trump gets elected and does as he says he will. = Win.

Trump gets elected and goes back on his word, sparking a civil war. = Mega Win.

This is opposed to Cruz:

Cruz gets elected and does as he says he will (and I believe he would). = Win, but with the caveat that the sham known as American Federalism is reinvigorated--at least in the eyes of conservatives who will lose their anger and be lulled back to sleep by the devil of politics.

Cruz gets elected and goes back on his word = Mega Loss, since he's just another politician doing what politicians do, proving conservatives to be total boobs, and the political spin cycle begins again.

The California primary is gonna be tricky for me.